
  • Bottle of Cox Technic Discat Plus Enhanced

    Discat Plus Enhanced

    This formula contains chondroitin sulfate (the strongest source of this is Perna Canilicus which is the green lipped mussel which is found in New Zeland and Australia) and glucosamine sulfate which are natural substances essential for cartilage and joint health. Discat Plus is about three times stronger than Costco, GNC, and other brands. Chondroitin sulfate is vital and necessary to stabilize and rebuild cartilage especially the discs in the spine and the meniscus in the knee, tendons and ligaments. Studies show that the ingredients in Discat Plus decrease joint pain and reduce inflammation. Minerals needed for cartilage health are also in Discat Plus. Deficiency of the contents of Discat Plus precedes degenerative disc disease and arthritis. Each serving provides:

    500 mg Glucosamine Sulfate

    100 mg Chondroitin Sulfate (as perna canaliculus)

    160 mg Calcium Citrate

    80 mg Magnesium

    7.5 mg Zinc

    2 mg Manganese

  • Bottle of Disc & Joint Pain Relief Complex Enhanced

    Disc & Joint Pain Relief Complex Enhanced

    In response to a patient need for natural pain reliever, Dr. Cox has collaborated with a laboratory to review natural pain killers and anti-inflammatories that could be combined for relieving joint pain. This pain includes spinal, extremity, and radicular pain. Patients find relief for peripheral and spinal degenerative disease. Radiculopathy (arm and leg pains, numbness, tingling sensations) patients are typically on NSAIDs, COX inhibitors, and even mild narcotic drugs. However, the use of this natural pain relieving formula may assist and reduce the need for more powerful drugs. Each serving provides the following natural pain relieving agents including:

    800 mg Curcumin (the active compound in turmeric)

    200 mg Turmeric from ginger root 5% extract

    100 mg White willow bark

    100 mg Boswellia serrata extract

    100 mg Quercetin

    50 mg Devil’s claw powder

    50 mg Valarian root 0.8% extract

    50 mg Passion flower 4:1 extract

    50 mg Turmeric 12:1 extract

    20 mg Black pepper (piperine)

  • Cox Lumbosacral Support

    Cox Lumbosacral Support

    The Cox Lumbosacral Support is a deluxe 9" all-elastic support with velcro closure and two angle pulls with velcro closure that overlap in front for extra compression. The Memory Foam Pad is protected with cotton tubing and the pad actually remolds itself to support the patient's back as lumbar spine configurations change. As you improve and the lumbar shaping changes, you don't have to remold the pad. It automatically remolds itself!